Thursday, October 3, 2013

Creating a Simple AVD

AVD(Android Virtual Device)

A fundamental part of creating Android applications is running and testing them. Testing your code and app implementation on real devices is important.
AVD stands for Android Virtual Device. An AVD is used to configure Android’s emulator(a virtual mobile device that runs on your computer) to artificially represent an actual mobile device. An AVD modeled to the specifications of a real mobile device enables developers to test their Android applications for that device.

Launch AVD Manager

You can launch the AVD Manager in one of the following ways:
   In Eclipse: select Window > AVD Manager, or click the AVD Manager icon in the Eclipse toolbar.
   In other IDEs: Navigate to your SDK's tools/ directory and execute android avd.

Step 1: Select Window > AVD Manager, or click the AVD Manager icon in the Eclipse toolbar.

Step 2: AVD Manager will launch the tool, as shown, and display any AVD configurations you have already created.
Click the New button from within the AVD Manager.

Step 3: Start the New AVD Wizard.
            Fill in some configuration details about your AVD in the prompted dialog.

Not much information is needed to create a basic AVD. Give the AVD a descriptive name (such as “Emulator″) and choose the target platform such as “Android 4.2 – API Level 17″. Choose an SD Card size. For basic testing AVDs, we usually use 64MB for the SD Card size, but keep in mind that this space will be blocked off on your development machine, so if you create a lot of AVDs, they will take up a lot of space. Leave the rest of the options as the defaults for now.

Press the OK button. The AVD creation process can take a few moments. Once complete, you’ll be back at the list of AVDs, with your newly created one now available.

Starting the Emulator With an AVD

Step 4: Click Start button - Open the Launch Options Dialog

Starting from the bottom (and least complex), you’ll see two snapshot options. Save to snapshot means when you exit the emulator, the state of the emulator will be saved. This takes some time to set up, depending on the amount of RAM given to the emulator. Launching from snapshot means the emulator will use a previously saved snapshot to restore. When one exists, launch times are very fast compared to a cold launch without the snapshot feature.

Step 5: Launch the Emulator

Now press the Launch button. The emulator will start. In it’s current form, the emulator will take a while to launch the first time. Subsequent launches will be faster.

Now you have successfully created a new Emulator. You’re well on your way to Android development. 

Thank you.


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